I was warned by locals that I would know if I could live here only if I survived a Winter in Williamstown.
This area is beautiful during those other 3 seasons, with all the businesses in the area OPEN, the streets and shops bustling with tourists and students, and LOTS of outdoor fests and events going on to keep one busy and entertained.
Now, in the dreary, cold weather, I expected nothing to be going on, with only skiers (and Santa!) entering our mountain zone.
With the holidays over, I would finally be able to catch up on sorting those boxes of old photos and recipes, fending off cabin fever in my expensively heated abode.
Driving around after a snowstorm, I discovered a quiet beauty to the area that only locals and a few select visitors get to experience. Here are some of my images of Williamstown in Winter...
Fencing takes on a new visual quality in the light of Winter.
The animal shelters peak out boldly from the white land backdrop.
Blair Road fields are a lovely view. There's a birdhouse on the tree.
An antique truck off Hopper Drive sits under an icy tree.
Dramatic water views in every pond and brook.
Icicles form even on cascading waters...
Bee Hill Road shows us a spectacular mountain range and everywhere are tempting hills to sled or ski.
Below the mountains lies the Sheep Hill complex of buildings and paths, still open and in use for pleasant snowy hikes and weekend events.
The pond wonderfully reflects the children's activity shed.
Along the road, rock ledges are stunning to drive by.
The Clark Art Museum is open and has free admission throughout the Winter months.
It also has some wonderful hiking paths, like this inviting stairway in the snow.
Art abounds in nature over by The Clark, as with this snow covered rock.
I hardly recognised the pond next to the Clark. It looks like a glistening field of snow.
In town, the street looks clean and fresh.
Building details pop out with the fresh snow and blue sky.
The familiar Williams "Eyeballs" dot the landscape around the art museum.
Williams buildings are unique. Snow and brings out even more of their grand character.
The Observatory was hand built by students many years ago. Planetarium shows are given on Fridays during Winter.
A hay bale on a Luce Road farm looks beautiful in the morning light.
Serene graves overlook the mountains.
The holiday decorations at the the 1896 House bring welcome color to the landscape.
and the Williamstown Savings Bank displays some seasonal greens to cheer the ATM drivers.
Yes, with scenery like this and friendly people to live amongst, I believe I will survive my first Williamstown winter quite well.
Drive safely everyone!
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