Photo credit mensatic
The Berkshires is one of the best locations for bird
watching. A low cost, easy and interesting pastime, bird watching gives you the
opportunity to commune with the wildlife and see some of the most beautiful
parts of the Berkshires at the same time. Most years and seasons over 200
different species of birds are visible including several types of warblers,
flycatchers and thrushes.
All you need for bird watching is a good bird field guide
and good set of binoculars. is a great place to get information about
suggested books to read, clubs in the area, blogs and more.
From December 14 to January 5, the North Berkshire Audubon
invites area bird watchers
to participate in the 113th national Christmas Bird Count. The
The NBA Count will be held on Saturday December 15. The
24-hour count period begins at midnight Friday and extends to midnight
There are four groups going out in the area; Adams, East
Williamstown and North Adams , Central and
western WIlliamstown and South WIlliamstown .
Teams of at least 2 armed with birdbooks, binoculars and
checklists, will visit as many habitats as possible during the day, and also go
out owling, to identify as many species and count as many individual birds as
Audubon and other organizations use the data collected in this
long running wildlife census to assess the health of bird populations and to
help guide conservation action.
North Berkshire Audubon is an informal group that sponsors
bird walks and trips throughout the year. For more information about the
Christmas Count or NBA, contact Leslie Reed-Evans at 413-458-5150 or at
A couple of interesting related birding in the Berkshires
Birds of Mt. Greylock